Although marijuana has been used as a drug for thousands of years, smoking techniques change over time and vary depending on preferences and tool availability.
26 March 2024
Why do you dream about smoking? Interpretation of sleep in popular dream booksFind out from dream books what the dream of smoking portends.
21 February 2024
How harmful tobacco smoke is and what happens to a smoker's lungs and other respiratory organs. The effect of cigarettes on the lungs and why shortness of breath occurs when smoking or after smoking.
3 January 2024
Few people know how easy it is to quit smoking on your own, at home, quickly and painlessly. If you apply our tips, you will be able to quit smoking forever. It is necessary to stop smoking, because a smoking woman and motherhood are incompatible, and a smoking father will not provide health to the offspring.
15 November 2023
Summary of the book An easy way to quit smoking. Useful tips for smokers. How to get rid of a bad habit forever?
31 October 2023
Pros and cons of quitting smoking. What will happen to the body if you give up a bad habit? Table: stages of purification by hours, days, years.
4 October 2022
Why do people smoke? The reason teens and adults start smoking cigarettes can be stress, transition age, desire to please a girl, and other reasons. By performing them, you can quit smoking, regardless of the size of the "tobacco experience".
21 August 2022
How to quit smoking: steps to quit nicotine, useful tips.
19 August 2022
Why dream of smoking a cigarette for a non-smoking girl or woman? What does it mean to see smoke in a dream? What does it mean to smoke a hookah, cigar or pipe according to dream books?
9 August 2022
How to quit smoking on your own and effectively quit smoking at home: folk methods and recipes, breathing exercises and diet, mouthwash and other effective remedies to alleviate the condition.
27 March 2022
Smoking causes the physical and psychological dependence of the cigarette smoker. What helps to quit smoking, read the article.
14 March 2022
In the modern world, people stop smoking, choose sports activities and proper nutrition. Someone continues to smoke, saying that it is a habit and that they will not get rid of it. Only by weighing all the pros and cons, you can realize the harm of smoking and choose the right point of view.
10 January 2022
A quit schedule will be needed at all stages of quitting, from wanting to quit to maintaining a stable remission. In the article, you can find a schedule of a smoker who quit by day.
22 December 2021
How to quit smoking at home quickly? Proven action program to quit smoking and detoxify the body. Tips for quick rejection and cleansing of the body.
21 December 2021
How To Help Yourself Quit Smoking: Effective Ways To Quit Smoking. The reasons why a person cannot quit smoking and what helps to quit smoking. Fostering a negative attitude towards smoking: what to do and how to quit smoking correctly.
13 December 2021
Unpleasant nuances and positive aspects of smoking cessation. Changes in the body in the initial and later stages, the restructuring of the male and female body with the rejection of nicotine.
7 December 2021
How to replace cigarettes when quitting smoking: lollipops, e-cigarettes, gum and other options.
25 November 2021
What is the harm of smoking? What pills are there to help quit addiction? Drug groups, their pros and cons.
15 November 2021
In which places is smoking allowed and in which places is it prohibited? Requirements for smoking areas. What rules must be followed?
8 November 2021
The article contains effective ways to quit smoking.
25 October 2021
Can I smoke cigarettes at the entrance of a residential building? You can learn about the prescriptions and nuances of the anti-smoking law, which prohibits smoking in the entrances, in our article.
20 September 2021
The influence of cigarettes on the human body and ways to combat harmful habits. Changes in the body when quitting smoking.
12 September 2021
Why is smoking bad for your health? What methods will help you to quit smoking quickly and effectively? Alternative and popular remedies for addiction.
8 September 2021
If you quit smoking, in addition to the health benefits, saving money will be an advantage. And life will shine with new colors and scents. The benefits of quitting smoking and the changes in the body.
3 September 2021
It is not dangerous to quit smoking abruptly; renewal in the body begins in 20 minutes. Find out how you can get rid of drug addiction, restore health and joie de vivre.
2 September 2021
How long does a person who quit smoking keep coughing? What are the reasons for its appearance? Is it tedious to treat a cough when quitting smoking? Answers in the article.
21 August 2021
The fight against nicotine addiction can be gradual or it can be sharp and decisive. What will happen to the body if you suddenly stop smoking?
18 August 2021
Causes of pain in the abdomen (stomach), heartburn and nausea after quitting smoking. About the causes of weakness and poor health when you quit smoking. Why it got worse: acne, leg pain, and other possible side effects when you quit smoking.
18 August 2021
Is it possible to smoke while fasting and is it a sin? How to quit tobacco addiction during Lent? Find out the answers after reading the article.
18 August 2021
When the decision is made to quit smoking, the consequences of the day for the body come to the fore. Recovery begins immediately after rejection. The article will tell you about all the advantages of the solution.
7 July 2021
How to stop smoking with pills?
7 January 2021
How to quit smoking quickly and easily, a smoker's story how to quit on your own, 3 instant steps, 6 steps to get rid of addiction, conclusion.
22 December 2020
Cigarettes after tooth extraction, medical measures, the effects of nicotine, dry socket, blood pressure, hookah smoking, vaping, recommendations from dentists, advice from doctors, what is prohibited, what to do, the result.
29 November 2020
The harm of nicotine to the human body. How to Quit Smoking Quickly and Easily at Home: Helpful Tips from Psychologists, Special Tools and Medications, Trainings and Hypnosis, Traditional Medicine, and Other Ways to Quit Smoking.
15 November 2020
What Happens To The Body When Nicotine Addiction Is Quit: The Body's Recovery Process During The Day.
5 November 2020
The effect of cigarettes on the body and changes in the body after quitting smoking. Fight against smoking: the first steps, replace or spoil cigarettes, read a book, an elastic band on the wrist, folk methods, medicines, electronic cigarettes and how to throw it to men, women and adolescents.
5 October 2020
The impact of smoking on blood counts when tested and how a bad habit affects donation.
2 October 2020
How to quit smoking on your own: folk remedies and recipes, breathing exercises, anti-nicotine diet, useful recommendations.
22 September 2020
All about an abrupt cessation of smoking: the smoker from within, the body's response to quitting, whether or not to quit, subtleties, consequences, results.
7 September 2020
What is the schedule to quit smoking? The first week after quitting, the first six months, and one year after quitting.
5 September 2020
How to smoke cigarettes and cigars correctly: useful tips and advice.
30 August 2020
How to quit smoking quickly and easily? Effective folk methods, methods of psychological influence, expert advice.
26 August 2020
What happens to the human body when you stop smoking? Consequences and benefits of quitting a bad habit.
24 August 2020
How to get rid of nicotine addiction without the help of specialists: effective ways and useful recommendations
23 August 2020
It's not easy to quit smoking and kick a bad habit. However, there is a proven method by Allen Carr that helps you quit smoking.
23 August 2020
What is nicotine addiction, reasons to quit smoking, replacement therapy, and a step-by-step plan to quit the bad habit.
23 August 2020