Customers NicoZero

  • João
    I have tried very many ways of quitting smoking and it was all in vain. The cigarette to me and were like friends and I always to it again. However, the spray NicoZero has become my body. With him I stopped smoking is easy and has even experienced a disgust, which is already several months that I don't smoke.
  • Martim
    I smoked the entire 24 years, but thank you nicozero to me, finally, was able to stop. I've imagined what an active life can be without that terrible bad breath, yellow teeth, cough, and angry opinions of non-smokers. Many times I tried to quit, but only in spray nicozero it turned out to be effective.
  • Beatriz
    I started smoking because it was cool, and I was sure that at any moment she could stop cigarettes. But no, it is a bad habit involved in years. I didn't even like the family, nor to me, but I couldn't do anything about it. Until I met NicoZero. I threw a month, and I'm now a happy.
  • João
    Among the ways I know of to stop smoking, such as gums, patches, and books, NicoZeroin my opinion, is the only effective. I believed him and have stopped smoking in just three weeks, without stress. It has been over a year I do not have cravings.
  • Mariana
    Now I realize how stupid to start smoking. How many media and health has been spent in vain. If you do not NicoZeroI probably smoked less up to now. This spray has helped me is easy to renounce dependence. I do not smoke already 8 months, and I am sure that never again will I return to this habit.
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